Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Medical Testing Never Seems to End!

Yesterday I had to undergo a cardiac MRI. The results were fine, but it was a constant reminder that my medical issues are always around just waiting to pop up. Overall, I have been doing so well with my fibro. There was the day when I took my night time medicine in the morning and could barely function. It was quite amusing (is there any other choice?), and I got a lot of rest. Maybe it was my subconcious trying to slow me down.

Spent the last weekend running around, working hard and keeping very busy. Surprisingly, I continued to feel good. I feel like may stamina is really improving.

While at the hospital for the tests, met a nurse who thinks she might have fibro but is afraid to find out. I remember when I was trying to get diagnosed. I was sure that I must be a hypochondriac or there was something worse wrong with me. Putting a name to all of the pains was a great first step. Right away, my wonderful doctor (Dr. Chatterjee at the Cleveland Clinic) was able to get me on a program. It too a long time to get up to par and there were plenty of hiccups along the way, but now with my yoga, meditation, activity and keeping a good attitude going, (and great doctors - especially now Dr. Deborah Levin at OSU) I am doing very well.

So busy that I haven't had much time for blogging........ oh, well.

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