Monday, June 8, 2009

Wow! It has been over a month since I posted anything. Sorry about that. But what has been going on is just TOO MUCH STUFF! I have just been feeling overwhelmed by everything. I am very lucky because I have been having a lot of referrals to doctors to help me with various problems that had been so minor, but are now getting attention, like the neck spasms and the lower back pain. Oh, I have been "living" with it, but now that I am dealing with it, it has just taken over my life. I feel like I have a new full time job (to add to my regular full time job and a full time job of parenting).

However, I am finally realizing something. Actually, two things. One is to simplify. The other is to just move. Simplify because lists and lists of tasks can really bog you down. So I have simplified everything I am doing down to one simple question: Will this help me be healthy? That applies to the decision to lay down on the couch and watch television, grabbing a handful of something to eat or overdoing it by going on a ridiculously long bike ride. I know that activity in moderation is something I need to do. I know that I need to do my stretching exercises. I know that I need to eat healthy, which means planning a menu, shopping, cooking (because prepared foods are really not good for me) and....OOPS! Did it again. Making a list and making me crazy. So now I just try to think - will this be healthy. If I am laying down on the couch because I am so tired, wouldn't I really benefit more from a power nap. If I am snacking, wouldn't fruit be a healthier choice. If we are going on a long bike ride, wouldn't breaking it up into many errands make more sense. This all seems to be helping.

BUT THEN I ALSO FEEL SO TIRED ALL OF THE TIME! When I wake up in the morning, I am tired, but on the mornings when I drag myself out of bed, walk the dogs and get moving, I am still tired later in the morning, but then I do a power nap and I actually have a pretty good day. Make sense. But the point is to just move. Even when I feel like I should go for a short walk, I wonder if I even have the energy to walk to the front door. But since I am telling myself to keep moving, I go to the back yard, water a few plants, then start to think about what is going on in the neighborhood and then, pretty soon, I am going for a short walk. I may stop along the way, but when I get home, I have more energy than if I just stayed on the couch the whole time.

So wish me luck as I try to keep deciding if this will make me healthy and as I keep moving. Gotta go now, I am feeling motivated....

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