Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Time to Take Some Time Off

Today is unofficially becoming a light day for me. Unfortunately, this has been forced upon me by a series of incidents that just got in the way of my enormous to do list. Fortunately, rather than fighting it, I decided to just give in. I had a day that was totally free of any required activities, after several days of very hectic activities. Yesterday I had to drive two and a half hours up north to handle a very contentious matter. Through a snow shower. It was a little stressful and very energy draining, but I actually survived it much better than I thought I would. When I got home, I had enough energy to throw the ball around with my son! And since I was feeling so good, I was able to come up with a wonderful long list of things to do. Now, after several days of really pushing myself, I was so surprised to have so much energy last night, so I really didn't anticipate how I would actually feel today. After getting through the morning routine, I started on the first task of my list, and instead of being a short phone call, it turned into an enormous errand that took all of the morning. In the middle of it, I started to get very frustrated, but then I realized this was probably a sign that it is really time to slow down. I went home and decided to just mill around the house, do a little light housekeeping and relax. It turned out to be so rejuvenating. Now I am realizing that there are things that need to get done today, but now I have the energy and the positive attitude to get it done. I guess the Pfizer card is right - if you are having a bad day, take it easy, but if you are having a good day, don't push too hard. I am learning that if I give myself regular breaks, I have more energy, more focus and I am able to accomplish more than if I just keep pushing myself. Hope I can remember this in the future.

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