Monday, April 6, 2009

Coming back - what a challenge

Well, I haven't posted anything lately because I have been out with a horrible cold, and therefore, my activity was reduced to virtually nothing. What a pain that is, since the fibro just loves a still body. So what to do? Well, I decided it was time to just play the games on the WiiFit. At least it was some activity. Happy to find out that I reached my 100th day on the WiiFit! It also helped me tremendously. Started to slowly walk again. I am coming back, but it continues to be a challenge. Not quite up to the levels I was at a few weeks ago.

It is amazing how a brief period of inactivity can be such a set back. It is also frustrating when you try to explain to your doctor that you really dread the inactivity because of the difficulty in coming back. Worse part for me is I have no energy to make healthy food, so I end up eating whatever is available, which is usually some kind of flour, fat and sugar combination. Well, I tried to keep that in mind this time and deliberately made sure I had plenty of fruit to snack on, especially grapes. The idea of raw vegetables was just too much for my stomach, but vegetable soup worked really well.

As a result of trying to at least keep the diet healthy, I feel like I might be able to come back from this a little bit better. Unfortunately, I know that the life of a fibromyalgic includes many unwanted suprises, so I am trying to have fewer plans (fewer Easter projects, for example) so that I can actually accomplish what I plan and don't feel bad. I think that this could be one of my better Easters. Being flat on my back this past weekend wasn't part of the plan, but with fewer plans, everything is still capable of being accomplished. Wish me luck!

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